Showing 52 results
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Beaver Skins, and Act to reduce the duties on beaver skins passed by George I
Beaver Skins, and Act to reduce the duties on beaver skins passed by George I
North West Passage, and act passed by George II to reward the discoverer of the N.W. Passage
North West Passage, and act passed by George II to reward the discoverer of the N.W. Passage
An Act of George III to help defray charges of civil government in the Province of Quebec
An Act of George III to help defray charges of civil government in the Province of Quebec
Newfoundland fisheries, an act passed by George III encouraging the fisheries adjacent to Newfoundland
Newfoundland fisheries, an act passed by George III encouraging the fisheries adjacent to Newfoundland
Act re: Quebec, being the Act passed by George III in 1790 to revise and improve the government of Quebec, printed in 1787 in English and French
Act re: Quebec, being the Act passed by George III in 1790 to revise and improve the government of Quebec, printed in 1787 in English and French
Finlay, Hugh. Autographed letter signed, addressed to James McGill, Quebec, regarding: road construction
Finlay, Hugh. Autographed letter signed, addressed to James McGill, Quebec, regarding: road construction
Proclamation regarding the separation of the country into two provinces of Lower and Upper Canada and into counties, cities and towns and the issuing of writs for the first provincial parliament of Lower Canada
Proclamation regarding the separation of the country into two provinces of Lower and Upper Canada and into counties, cities and towns and the issuing of writs for the first provincial parliament of Lower Canada
Acts re: Quebec, including the Quebec Act of 1774, and the Quebec Revenue Act of 1774, printed in English and French in 1797
Acts re: Quebec, including the Quebec Act of 1774, and the Quebec Revenue Act of 1774, printed in English and French in 1797
Proclamation of 1763 establishing the government of Quebec, capitulation and extracts of treaties in English and French
Proclamation of 1763 establishing the government of Quebec, capitulation and extracts of treaties in English and French
McTavish, McGillivrays and Company, a handwritten copy of the partnership agreement established in 1814, 32 pages
McTavish, McGillivrays and Company, a handwritten copy of the partnership agreement established in 1814, 32 pages
Stone, Joel. Holograph public notice signed by Stone, Leeds, announcing marriage of Peter Laver and Fanny Friekey
Stone, Joel. Holograph public notice signed by Stone, Leeds, announcing marriage of Peter Laver and Fanny Friekey
Canada Company minutes between H.M. Secretary of State and the proposed Canada Company
Canada Company minutes between H.M. Secretary of State and the proposed Canada Company
Civil Government of Canada, report from the Select Committee, 359 pages, Sir George Grey's copy
Civil Government of Canada, report from the Select Committee, 359 pages, Sir George Grey's copy
Civil Government of Canada, report from the Select Committee, 359 pages
Civil Government of Canada, report from the Select Committee, 359 pages
British North America, papers: copies or extracts of correspondence relative to B.N.A.
British North America, papers: copies or extracts of correspondence relative to B.N.A.
A Bill to make temporary provision for the government of Lower Canada
A Bill to make temporary provision for the government of Lower Canada
Upper Canada Rebellion, return of those arrested
Upper Canada Rebellion, return of those arrested
Re-union of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, copies or extracts of correspondence, plus maps
Re-union of the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, copies or extracts of correspondence, plus maps
Oregon Territory, correspondence relative to the disputed right to the territory
Oregon Territory, correspondence relative to the disputed right to the territory
Memorial and Petition from the inhabitants of Red River settlement to Colonial Office re: treatment by Hudson's Bay Company
Memorial and Petition from the inhabitants of Red River settlement to Colonial Office re: treatment by Hudson's Bay Company
Papers: Colonial Office and Hudson's Bay Company regarding legality of powers of HBC in North America, including map
Papers: Colonial Office and Hudson's Bay Company regarding legality of powers of HBC in North America, including map
Rebellion Losses Bill, extracts of votes and proceedings
Rebellion Losses Bill, extracts of votes and proceedings
Letter from Sir George Simpson to Hon. John Ross, regarding Hudson's Bay Company and Indigenous populations
Letter from Sir George Simpson to Hon. John Ross, regarding Hudson's Bay Company and Indigenous populations
Hudson's Bay Company, report of the Select Committee, First Edition
Hudson's Bay Company, report of the Select Committee, First Edition
Hudson's Bay Company, plans to accompany Report to the Select Committee, (Maps)
Hudson's Bay Company, plans to accompany Report to the Select Committee, (Maps)