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People, organizations, and families
Burnham, Zaccheus
Person · 1777-1857

Zaccheus Burnham was born February 20, 1777 in Dunbarton, New Hampshire, son of Asa Burnham and Elizabeth Cutler. He was raised in New Hampshire and came to central Upper Canada in 1797, eventually settling in Hamilton Township, Newcastle District. Several of his brothers also settled in the same area.

On February 1, 1801, he married Elizabeth Choate, also of New Hampshire. Together they had six children, five daughters and one son. As soon as Burnham arrived in Upper Canada, he became interested in acquiring land and was eventually to become one of the largest land holders in the Newcastle District (he owned the land on which the village of Ashburnham is situated). He also carried out land surveys with his future son-in-law, land surveyor Richard Birdsall, which allowed Burnham to determine the best plots of land to acquire. As well, payment for land surveys was often in the form of land. By 1831, Burnham had a 1000 acre farm, plus thousands of acres of land scattered throughout the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham, and Peterborough County.

Burnham was also involved in the military. He joined the militia as a private in 1801. In the War of 1812 he was a captain. He remained active in the military as a member of the First Regiment of the Northumberland Militia, and as Colonel, led a large force to Toronto in response to the Rebellion of 1837. Burnham was also involved in many other activities and was a leading member in the community. He became a road commissioner for the Newcastle District in 1811. In 1813, he was appointed as a Justice of the Peace. He was also the Treasurer of the Newcastle District from 1815 to 1851, and he represented the riding of Northumberland and Durham in the House of Assembly from 1817 to 1820. In 1831 he was appointed to the Legislative Council by Lieutenant Governor Sir John Colbourne, and served there until 1841. In July 1839, he was made a Judge for the District court of Newcastle.

Zaccheus Burnham died February 25, 1857, at Cobourg, Upper Canada.

Corporate body

Bury's Green Women's Institute of East Victoria District was founded in 1953. A branch member of the larger world-wide Women's Institutes organization, Bury's Green Women's Institute's focus was to strive "for all that is best "For Home and Country"". Activities in the community included raising money by means of card parties, bazaars, making and selling quilts, and entering local fairs. The Women's Institute donated money and food to the County Home, widows in Korea, and shut-ins at Christmas. The local 4-H Club came under the jurisdiction of the Women's Institute and was sponsored by it. The Institute disbanded in 2000. (Taken from the Tweedsmuir History)

Buxton, Roger

Robin (Roger) Allan Heineky Buxton was born in London, England on January 28, 1945, the son of Adam and Beetle Buxton. He and his wife, Judy Hazlett, lived in Markham, Ontario. A PhD physicist and Chair of the Ontario Association of Remote Sensing (OARS), Buxton was also a photographer and for a 25-year period beginning in the 1970s, hiked together with his wife into the Canadian and Greenland Arctic taking photographs. Locations visited include Ellesmere Island, Auyuittuq, Soper River, Frobisher Bay, Pond Inlet and Bylot Island, Baker Lake, Clyde River, Grise Fiord, Pangnirtung, and Greenland. Along with also being a pilot, oarsman, published writer, and skater, Buxton was involved with introducing speed skating to children of the Markham area and, in 2005, was awarded the Speed Skating Canada’s National Outstanding Administrators Award for this work. Buxton was also secretary of Markham’s Parkinson Support Group and he and Hazlett trained police forces throughout Ontario to assist those with Parkinson’s disease; for this work, they were awarded the Queen’s Jubilee Medal. Over many years, Buxton accompanied Trent Professor John Wadland on annual trips to Temagami and many of his photographs taken while on these trips are located elsewhere in Trent University Archives. He died on August 18, 2013. (Taken in part from an obituary published by Chapel Ridge Funeral Home, Markham, Ontario, and from information supplied by Professor John Wadland).

Caddy, Edward C.

Edward C. Caddy (1815-1897) was a land surveyor who learned his trade in Peterborough between 1839 and 1842. He was also a painter in the Trent Valley District. His landscapes were primarily in water colour.

Caldwell family

Hugh Caldwell Sr. (1824-1903) emigrated to Canada from Scotland in 1843 to the Waterloo area with his father and siblings. He married Ann Nancy MacDonald (1832-1903) in 1855 and settled in Mornington Township, Perth County. In January 1867, he sold his farm and tenant farmed near Strathroy, Ontario for some months before purchasing Lots 16 and 17, Concession 13 in Chandos Township, Peterborough County where he settled in December of that year. In 1875, he was appointed to the position of property assessor for Chandos, Anstruther, and Burleigh townships and held this position at various times until 1890. He opened the first post office in the Clydesdale Settlement of Chandos Township in his house; His son, Hugh Caldwell Jr. [1861-1914] lived part of his adult life in the Emo, Ontario area. Hugh Caldwell Sr. was the great-great grandfather of Leonard Caldwell and his siblings. Hugh Caldwell Jr. was a great uncle.

Caldwell, Hugh
Person · 1888-1889

Hugh Caldwell Sr. (1824-1903) emigrated to Canada from Scotland in 1843 to the Waterloo area with his father and siblings. He married Ann Nancy MacDonald (1832-1903) in 1855 and settled in Mornington Township, Perth County. In January 1867, he sold his farm and tenant farmed near Strathroy, Ontario for some months before purchasing Lots 16 and 17, Concession 13 in Chandos Township, Peterborough County where he settled in December of that year. In 1875, he was appointed to the position of property assessor for Chandos, Anstruther, and Burleigh townships and held this position at various times until 1890. He opened the first post office in the Clydesdale Settlement of Chandos Township in his house; His son, Hugh Caldwell Jr. [1861-1914] lived part of his adult life in the Emo, Ontario area. Hugh Caldwell Sr. was the great-great grandfather of Leonard Caldwell and his siblings. Hugh Caldwell Jr. was a great uncle.

Cameron family

Charles Cameron was born July 29, 1830 at Lossiemouth, Scotland. In 1856 he emigrated to Canada West and opened a business in the town of Peterborough. Three years later, Sophia Barron, also of Lossiemouth, followed Charles Cameron to Canada West, and they were married at Kingston, February 22, 1859. Together they raised four children: Annie Walker, b. 1859; Alfred and Albert, twins, b. 1864, and Sophia, b. 1868. Two other children, Clara, b. 1861 and William, b. 1866, died in infancy. In 1860, Cameron formed a business partnership with Donald McKellar, and as the firm of McKellar and Cameron, they opened a general store at the corner of George and Hunter Streets, Peterborough. They sold groceries and hardware, and acted as commission merchants. On December 8, 1869, the store was destroyed by fire. In 1869, Sophia and the three youngest children went on a visit to Scotland. Charles and Annie later joined them for Christmas in the same year. In the new year Charles returned to Peterborough and became an insurance and steamboat ticket agent. He continued in this line of work until 1903. He died a year later on February 25, 1904. His wife Sophia never returned to Peterborough; she died in Elgin, Scotland, April 29, 1873. It is unknown as to when the children returned to Canada. Albert Cameron went into a curtain and draperies business called Rumsey and Cameron. His twin brother Alfred became a Provincial Land Surveyor. Alfred married Jennie Rose on November 2, 1895 and together they had 8 children. Their first born died at the age of two. Three of their daughters, Jessie, Margaret and Jean remained in Peterborough throughout their lives, and they are responsible for the donation of this fonds to the Trent University Archives. The Cameron home on Chemong Road was dedicated as a women's shelter in 1996.

Cameron, David R.
Person · 1941 -

Professor David R. Cameron (1941- ) was born in British Columbia and educated at the U.B.C. and the London School of Economics. He came to Trent University in Ontario to teach in the Political Studies department and became Chair of the department and Dean of Arts and Science. He was the Director of Research for the Pepin-Robarts Task Force on Canadian Unity. He held several senior government positions including Deputy Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs in the Ontario Government and Special Advisor to Premier David Peterson on Constitutional Reform. He was appointed Vice President of Institutional Relations and is a Professor of Political Science now at the University of Toronto. He is the author of many articles and several books including "Nationalism and Self-Determination and the Quebec Question" and "Taking Stock: Canadian Studies in the Nineties."

Camp Illahee
Corporate body

Camp Illahee was established in 1946 in Cobourg, Ontario. It began as a children's camp run by the Toronto Y.M.C.A. for diabetic children and later began catering to children with other diseases including heart and kidney conditions, haemophilia, and controlled epilepsy. The camp was later taken over by the Family Service Association of Metropolitan Toronto, an agency of the United Way. The name of the camp was changed to Illahee Northwoods Camp and its location was moved from Cobourg to Drag Lake in Haliburton, Ontario.

Camp Inawendawin
Corporate body · 1933-1964

Camp Inawendawin was established in 1933 as a girls camp. It became a member of the Ontario Camping Association in 1954 and was operated by Mrs. Helena Anderson. The camp closed in 1964.

Camp Kawabi
Corporate body

Camp Kawabi is located 209 km north of Toronto on Big Hawk Lake, which is 32 km north of Minden, Ontario. The camp was a residential boys' camp, operating in the summer, for children between the ages of seven and fifteen.

Camp Pine Crest
Corporate body · 1910-

Camp Pine Crest is a children's camp run by the Toronto YMCA. It was first opened in 1910, and moved to its current location in 1911. The first camp director was E.D. Otter. The camp is comprised of 650 acres (originally only 300 acres) and it is situated on the shores of Clear Lake, Gull Lake and Echo Lake, near Torrence in the Muskokas. Originally, Camp Pine Crest was established as a boys only camp, but in 1980 it became a co-ed camp.

Camp Richiladaca
Corporate body · 1957-

Camp Richildaca was founded by William J. Babcock and Al Bathurst as a day camp in Kettleby, Ontario, in 1957. It grew to accommodate resident campers and was an outdoor education facility for various school boards. It was also a teacher training centre for the University of Toronto Faculty of Education and offered a heated pool, canoeing instruction, archery, snow-shoeing and tobogganing, as well as instruction in wildlife study, ornithology, insect ecology, forest ecology, survival skills, etc. Camp Richildaca was operated by the Babcock family until they sold it in 1989. William J. Babcock was head of the Physical Education Department of Richmond Hill High School and Chairman of the Richmond Hill Ontario Teachers' Federation Outdoor Education Committee. He wrote many articles pertaining to outdoor education.

Camp Robin Hood
Corporate body

Camp Robin Hood was established in 1946 at Sherwood Park in north Toronto. In approximately 1964, it moved to Markham, Ontario where Robin Hood Sports Academy was developed. In later years Camp Robin Hood acquired Camp Walden and Madawaska Camps. In addition to offering camping experiences, Camp Robin Hood offers school programs and provides facilities for corporate and private events.

Camp Tamarack
Corporate body · 1922-1972

Camp Tamarack was established in 1922 as a Jewish Boy Scout's camp. The camp was situated on 350 acres of land in the Muskoka Lake District near Bracebridge, Ontario. The camp aimed to provide a camp setting where each boy counted. The boys were divided into small groups with two staff members to five boys. This allowed the boys to have individual attention instead of being part of a mass group of people. This Jewish Boy Scout Camp was owned by the Tamarack (59th) Association which was a member of the Ontario Camping Association. The camp was first located in the Lake of Bays area. The first Director was Mr. Edgar Reason, also first Scoutmaster of the 59th Scout Troop. In 1957, Stanley G. Wild was appointed Director. Activities at the camp included swimming, canoeing, water skiing and horseback riding as well as numerous other special events like baseball games, fishing, campouts, gymnastics and handicrafts. The campers lived in cabins while they were in the camp. In 1972 the camp closed.

Camp Tanamakoon
Corporate body · 1925-

Camp Tanamakoon was established by Mary G. Hamilton, principal of Margaret Eaton School in Toronto, in 1925 and is located on Tanamakoon Lake in Algonquin Park. A summer camp for girls, Camp Tanamakoon offers an environmental education; activities include tripping, mountain biking, swimming, kayaking, canoeing, wood crafting, and various other activities. Owners of the Camp since its inception include: founder Mary G. Hamilton, 1925-1953; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Raymer, 1953-1974; Hugh and Carolea Butters, 1974-1984; and Kim and Marilyn Smith, 1984 to the present.

Camp X Historical Society
Corporate body

Camp X Historical Society is located in Whitby, Ontario, near the former site of Camp X. Camp X, which operated from 1941 to 1946, was a training camp responsible for training recruits for the Special Operations Executive of the British Security Coordination during World War II. It was comprised of two sections, the Special Training School No. 103, which trained allied agents in the techniques of secret warfare, and Hydra, a network which communicated messages between Canada, United States, and Great Britain. Camp X Historical Society was established to track down surviving SOE agents, and to document and catalogue their experiences. The Society is in the process of establishing a small museum on the original site of the Camp to house artifacts and memorabilia which document the operation.

Campbell family

The Campbell family is from Keene, Ontario. Isabelle Fulton Miller Campbell was the daughter of Isabella Brownlie Miller and James Miller. William Campbell was a tailor in Keene and he also appears to be responsible as an executor for people's estates including his mother's. In "The Illustrated Historical Atlas of Peterborough, Ontario, 1825-1875" there a number of Campbells listed as living in Keene in 1836 and 1844. Please see "Keene United Church" by D. Gayle Nelson for more information on some of the Campbell's listed in the Atlas.

Campbell, Ethelwyn

Ethelwyn Campbell (1926-) was a typing teacher in the Fort Frances, Ontario area in 1972. By 1976 she was living in Islington, Ontario and taught business at the Central Commerce School in Toronto. In 2002 she was living in Perth, Ontario. She is a world traveler.

Campbell, George

George Campbell was a farmer who lived in Norland, Ontario, during the 1870's.

Campbell, Ian

Ian Lachlan Campbell (1927-) was born in Ottawa, Ontario and married Marion Isabel Wellwood (1926-) in 1950. He attended graduate school at the University of London and studied political and social philosophy. Campbell taught at Mount Allison University (1954-1965), where his research interests concerned criminal behaviour. He served as alderman and Mayor of Sackville, New Brunswick, and as Dean at Bishop's University, Sir George Williams University, and Concordia University, and was commissioner of the Government of Canada's Commission of Inquiry into the Non-Medical Use of Drugs (the LeDain Commission). Campbell was also Principal of Renison College at the University of Waterloo, and president of the Canadian Heraldry Society. He is also a Fellow of several societies and serves on many university associations.

Canada. Census.
Corporate body

Census taking in Canada was divided into enumeration districts which were usually located around cities and counties. The districts were divided in sub-districts which were usually located around towns, townships and city wards. Villages, small towns, parishes and seigneuries were generally enumerated as part of the township in which they were located. Census and county boundaries did not always coincide since boundaries and town names changed or disappeared. The first census in Canada was undertaken in 1666 by Intendant Jean Talon. Census taking was not required until it was put into the Constitution in 1867. Before 1867 census taking was sketchy and it was not until 1851 that it became established as a way of assessing population and colonial needs for the government. (Taken from: "Census Returns, 1666-1891." Public Archives, Canada, 1987.)

In 1792, the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham were officially created in a proclamation made by Lieutenant-Governor John Graves Simcoe. The proclamation divided Upper Canada into 19 Counties for representation purposes. The United Counties are bounded by Lake Ontario in the south, Hasting County in the east, Ontario County in the west and Peterborough and Victoria Counties in the north. The town line between Hope and Hamilton Townships divide the two counties. Durham County consists of the Townships of Cartwright, Manvers, Cavan, Darlington, Clarke and Hope. Northumberland County consists of South Monaghan, Hamilton, Haldimand, Alnwick, Percy, Cramahe, Seymour, Brighton and Murray Townships. (Taken from: "Illustrated Historical Atlas of Northumberland and Durham Counties, Ontario." Belleville: Mika Silk Screening Limited, 1972.) The land which is now Peterborough County was originally part of Newcastle District before 1841, and the Colbourne District until 1850, the year when districts were replaced by counties in Upper Canada. At this time the United Counties of Peterborough and Victoria was created. In 1861, Victoria County was given independence from Peterborough. Peterbourgh County is made up of the following townships: Galway, Cavendish, Anstruther, Chandos, Harvey, Burleigh, Methuen, Ennismore, Smith, Douro, Dummer, Belmont, North Monaghan, Otonabee, and Asphodel. (taken from "Illustrated Historical Atlas of Peterborough County 1825-1875." Peterborough: The Peterborough Historical Atlas Foundation Inc., 1975.) Victoria County, formally established in 1860, is comprised of the Townships of Bexley, Carden, Dalton, Eldon, Emily, Fenelon, Laxton, Digby, Longford, Manvers, Mariposa, Ops, Somerville, and Verulam. The town of Lindsay in Ops Township is the county seat. The County is bordered in the north by the Muskoka District, in the east by Haliburton and Peterborough Counties, in the south by Lake Scugog and the Regional Municipality of Durham, and in the west by Durham and Simcoe Counties. It is 2,169 km square in area. The land in Victoria County was first opened for settlement in 1821 and the first settlers were mainly Irish, both Protestant and Catholic, and Scottish Presbyterians. By 1880, lumbering was firmly established as the main industry in the county. Quickly the region was stripped of its forests, and it was not until the 1920's that an interest in reforestation developed. Today, Victoria County is a prime grain producing region. As well, chemical industries and tourism make up the present day economic picture of the county. (Taken from: Mika, Nick and Helma. "Places in Ontario, Part III." Belleville: Mika Publishing Company, 1983.) Hastings County was proclaimed the 11th county of Upper Canada in 1792. The second largest county in Ontario, it includes nineteen municipal townships: Bangor, Wicklow and McClure, Carlow, Dungannon, Elzevir and Grimsthorpe, Faraday, Hershal, Hungerford, Huntingdon, Limerick, Madoc, Marmora and Lake, Mayo; Monteagle, Rawdon, Sidney, Thurlow, Tudor and Cashel, Tyendinaga, and Wollaston. Hastings was named after a military leader who had fought in the American Revolution, Francis Rawdon-Hastings (1754-1826). His family name was taken from the town of Hastings in Sussex, England. Until 1849 Hastings County was called the Victoria District. This was changed at that time by the Baldwin Act which replaced district councils with county councils. The first major industry in Hastings County was agriculture, and this was well-established by 1860, with Belleville having the largest saw mills west of Ottawa. Around this time, mining became an important attraction for new settlers, with the extraction of gold at Eldorado, Deloro, Gilmour, and Cordova. Once the Grand Trunk Railway began making stops in Belleville in 1856, the economy of the county improved immensely. Today tourism, lumbering and mining are the major industries of the county. (Taken from: Mika, Nick and Helma. "Places on Ontario, Part II." Belleville: Mika Publishing Company, 1981.)

Canada Company
Corporate body

The Canada Company which was created by John Galt, was established in late 1824, and incorporated by the British Parliament on July 27, 1825. The purpose of the Company was to obtain land in Upper Canada and to promote the sale of such land to prospective settlers. In 1826 the Company purchased 2.5 million acres (1 million hectares) from the government for $295 000. Approximately half of the land lay within the Huron Tract and the rest of the land consisted of scattered crown reserves. The company was dissolved on December 18, 1953.