
Miscellaneous items pertaining primarily to Ken Bellamy: School and church records: - school (1934); - church (1950-1955): includes a notebook containing Salem United Church minutes (1955) and records of sales of gladiola bulbs (1956-1960) Personal telephone directories with contact information of friends and acquaintances Greeting cards Single issue of The Normarac, July 1973, Cobourg, Ontario (includes picture of Ken Bellamy) Photograph of Grafton Patrol Garage, July 1965 Photographic reproduction of Elgin Chamberlain, a “friend of Ken Bellamy in his elder years” Lists pertaining to the funeral of Ken Bellamy (d. January 13, 2007) “Ken’s story book” (pages from children’s book); also The House That Jack Built, published on linen, n.d. (poor condition), and Dere Mable: Love Letters of a Rookie by E. Streeter (note: these materials were received in a bundle associated with Ken Bellamy)

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