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Anna Leveridge fonds
73-1000 · Fonds · 1883-1972

This fonds includes the letters of Anna Leveridge, written to her mother and family friends in England, describing their boat trip to Canada and pioneer life in the backwoods of Hastings County, Ontario, near Coe Hill, Marmora, and Millbridge. The fonds also includes family genealogy and photographs.

Leveridge, Anna
98-008 · Fonds · 1963-1995

This fonds consists of a published copy of Iroquois Fires: The Six Nations Lyrics and Lore of Dawendine by Bernice Loft Winslow; a video tape of an interview of Dawendine by Donald Smith in 1993; an audio cassette of Dawendine talking, recorded in 1972; three reel to reel tapes donated [to Dr. Smith] by Helen Rothwell; and two cassette tapes, the first of which includes an interview of Dawendine by Betty Kennedy in 1963 and an introduction by Jane Coventry at the Ontario Camping Association, and the second of which is of Dawendine telling stories at Camp Waseosa. One additional file of correspondence and short story manuscripts, a box of 19 slides, and one cassette tape were added at a later date.

Winslow, Bernice Loft
Bessie Taylor fonds
08-003 · Fonds · 1955-1977

Fonds consists of detailed household financial records kept by Bessie Taylor of Brighton, Ontario after the death of her husband. The records date 1955 to 1977 and are recorded in 11 notebooks. Also included is a handwritten notebook of several stories with religious themes.

Taylor, Bessie
10-008 · Fonds · 1943-2007

Fonds consists of records related to the Beta Sigma Phi of Peterborough, Ontario. Correspondence, minutes, notes, membership lists, treasurer reports, photographs, and newspaper clippings pertaining to the Area Council, the Laureate Delta Beta chapter, the Delta Chi chapter, the Epsilon Mu chapter, and the Xi Iota chapter are included. Also included are 13 photographs of inaugural activities of the Peterborough Beta Sigma Phi in the 1940s.

Beta Sigma Phi (Peterborough, Ontario)
13-001 · Fonds · 1996-2005

Fonds consists of four albums of materials related to the Beta Sigma Phi of Peterborough, Ontario. Materials are dated 1996-2005 and include photographs, greeting cards, invitations, correspondence, and newspaper clippings. The four albums are covered and decorated in cloth design; three are titled Xi Delta Nu and one is titled Beta Sigma Phi.

Beta Sigma Phi (Peterborough, Ontario)
16-004 · Fonds · 1955-2009

Fonds consists of 17 scrapbooks and albums of materials pertaining to Peterborough’s Beta Sigma Phi and local sorority chapters. Included are photographs, greeting cards, invitations, newspaper clippings, and memorabilia.

Beta Sigma Phi (Peterborough, Ontario)
20-012 · Fonds · 1977-2020

This fonds consists of 7 binders, 8 photo albums and 30 booklet programs pertaining to Peterborough’s Beta Sigma Phi and local sorority chapters. Included are meeting minutes and correspondence, photos, cards, and newspaper clippings. Along with the photos are detailed descriptions of the events being photographed and the members within each photo.

Beta Sigma Phi (Peterborough, Ontario)
Blodwen Davies fonds
91-001 · Fonds · 1928-1968

This fonds consists of research material, manuscripts, published articles and correspondence of Blodwen Davies with the Saskatchewan Arts Board and the National Museum.

Davies, Blodwen
Boyd family fonds
88-011 · Fonds · 1857-1982

This fonds consists of records encompasing three generations of the Boyd family of Bobcaygeon. The fonds has been divided into the following series: photographs and glass negatives; Reverend Henry C. Avant; Mossom Boyd; Mossom Martin Boyd (Mossie); Lillian de Grassi Boyd; the De Grassi papers which are records of Dr. Alex De Grassi, Lillian Boyd's father, a physician from Lindsay, Upper Canada; Gardiner Cust Boyd; Mildred Boyd; Winnett (Brownie) Boyd; Laurence Chadwick Boyd; Mossom de Grassi Boyd; A. Sheila Boyd; stamps; artifacts; business which deals with the Boyds interests in lumbering; agricultural papers which deal with the Boyd's farming interests in buffalo and cattle; and, estate papers. The strength of this fonds lies in its completeness. Nothing was thrown away and there are grocery lists, laundry lists, staff salary books, furniture receipts, party and wedding invitations, school report cards, ship and railway timetables, diaries and approximately 20,000 pieces of correspondence. This has resulted in a remarkable record of a large household from the 1880s to the 1980s and an invaluable source for social and business historians.

Boyd family
01-011 · Collection · 1904-1996

Collection consists of three pamphlets, "Our Own Cookbook" / by the East Victoria Women's Institute, 1905, "Pioneer Gleanings from Verulam, 1867-1967" / by T.H. Martin, and "Bury's Green Branch of the Women's Institute, 1953-1993". Also included are items which were removed from a scrapbook: seven photographs, brochures, and several newspaper clippings relating to Fenelon Falls, Bobcaygeon, Lindsay, and Bury's Green, Ontario, 1961, 1984-1994. The photographs include Women's Institute members such as Nan McGhee, Phyllis Fell, Esther Humphries, Laura Flett, Mrs. Tiers, Clara Flett, and Grace Barker; also included are photos of Sherry L. Telford and Kim Chambers during the Olympic Torch Run, 1988. This collection also consists of a scrapbook entitled "Tweedsmuir History: Bury's Green Branch Women's Institute". Enclosed in it are approximately 70 photographs, a history of Bury's Green branch of the Women's Institute, maps, brochures, correspondence, historical accounts, and memorabilia, n.d. This collection also consists of research material for the Tweedsmuir History; Hand Books for the Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario, 1949, 1971, 1983, and 1987; notebooks containing reports on the Tweedsmuir History, on Historical Research and Cultural Events, and on Education and Cultural Activities, 1953-1987; programs dated 1953-54 through 1993-94; 100th anniversary materials; and correspondence and brochures relating to an award given to a student at Fenelon Falls Secondary School, 1996.

Bury's Green Women's Institute
Campbell family fonds
88-017 · Fonds · 1862-1936

This fonds consists of five bound volumes relating to activities of the Campbell family of Keene, Ontario. There are ledgers, diaries and a scrapbook which date from 1862 to 1929.

This fonds represents many different members of the Campbell family of Keene and their interests. The scrapbook was composed by Isabelle Fulton Miller Campbell, daughter of Isabella Brownlie Miller and James Miller, and deals with different areas of interest to her. The two diaries, written by Isabelle Fulton Miller Campbell, deal with every day life and reflect how a number of people lived during the time period covered by the diaries. There is a business ledger of William Campbell who was a tailor in Keene and he also appears to be responsible as an executor for people's estates including his mother's. There is also a day book from a Keene grocery store which lists what the Campbells and other people in the Village of Keene purchased.

Campbell family
88-008 · Fonds · 1959-1987

This fonds consists of conference reports of the Eastern Ontario Regional, Canadian Federation of University Women and International Federation of University Women from 1960 to 1987. The fonds also includes various publications of the different chapters.

Canadian Federation University Women's Club of Peterborough
89-010 · Fonds · 1937-1989

This addition to the fonds consists of membership lists, reports, minute books and financial material relating to the University Women's Club of Peterborough. There are also records relating to the Canadian Federation of University Women.

Canadian Federation University Women's Club of Peterborough
89-003 · Fonds · 1949-1988

This addition to the fonds consists of correspondence and minutes of the Canadian Federation of University Women conferences and chapters of C.F.U.W. as collected by the University Women's Club of Peterborough. There are also some documents from the International Federation of University Women conferences that were held during the forties and fifties.

Canadian Federation University Women's Club of Peterborough
90-010 · Fonds · 1985-1990

This addition to the fonds consists of slide-tape presentation material which includes tapes and slides with a list of contents of the University Women's Club of Winnipeg, 1974; CFUW Journals; minutes, membership lists, and a "Tribute to Margaret White", of the University Women's Club, Peterborough; minutes, reports, and financial reports, etc. of the CFUW annual meeting Edmonton, 1989. Additional records were added in 1991 and 1992 which include CFUW Journals, tributes to Mrs. Vera Hickey and Miss Mildred Bailey; minutes of meetings including the Annual General Meeting; tributes to Miss Helen McGregor and Miss Katherine Macdougall; the constitution of the club and the "Long Range Plan" of June, 1990.

Canadian Federation University Women's Club of Peterborough
95-012 · Fonds · 1983-1994

This addition to the fonds consists of minutes, treasurer's books, correspondence and financial records of the Ontario Council and the Peterborough University Women's Club. The fonds also contains journals, minutes and newsletters of the Canadian Federation of University Women.

Canadian Federation University Women's Club of Peterborough
97-005 · Fonds · 1993-1996

This fonds consists of Canadian Federation of University Women Peterborough Club conference reports, a book entitled "Seventy Five Years of CFUW", newsletters, a radio script, a speech entitled "Women Medical Pioneers", and other miscellaneous papers.

Canadian Federation University Women's Club of Peterborough
97-012 · Fonds · 1993-1997

This fonds consists of documents and correspondence regarding the 60th anniversary of the Peterborough Club. Also included are newsletters, minutes of CFUW's general meetings, and documents relating to founding president Margaret Stovel McWilliams.

Canadian Federation University Women's Club of Peterborough
08-006 · Fonds · 2004-2007

Fonds consists of materials relating to the Canadian Federation of University Women and the Canadian Federation of University Women Peterborough Club. Materials include minutes, accounting records, notes and brochures relating to "Women, Water and Well-Being" (the Canadian Federation of University Women Annual General Meeting and Conference held in Peterborough, Ontario, May 2007). This accession also contains documents which were damaged in the Peterborough flood of 2004 and which were salvaged and conserved through the efforts of Rosco in Montreal. One file relates to Susan Scott's "Dancing Graduates" used as the CFUW logo since 1987.

Canadian Federation University Women's Club of Peterborough
09-004 · Fonds · 1980-2009

Fonds consists of minutes, programs, newsletters and annual reports of the Canadian Federation of University Women Peterborough Club. Also included are newsletters, annual reports, action papers, and directories of the CFUW national office.

Canadian Federation University Women's Club of Peterborough
10-006 · Fonds · 1967-2010

Fonds consists of research materials and photographs pertaining to the 70th anniversary history publication of the CFUW Peterborough Club. Also included are materials relating to earlier anniversaries, the awards fund, various projects taken on by the CFUW Peterborough Club, policies, and the IFUW dinner held at the Canadian Canoe Museum in 2001.

Canadian Federation University Women's Club of Peterborough
Canadian Images fonds
88-016 · Fonds · 1979-1984

This fonds consists of publicity records from the Canadian Images film festival held at Trent University between 1978 and 1984. As well, there are memos, minutes, correspondence and business papers donated by T.H.B. Symons, from his tenure as honorary board member of Canadian Images.

Canadian Images