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Amy Cosh collection
Amy Cosh collection
Archives of Ontario Computerized Land Records Index
Archives of Ontario Computerized Land Records Index
Belden's Illustrated Historical Atlas of the County of Victoria, Ontario, 1881. Millennium Edition / edited by Edward C. Phelps, Alexander Publishing, Ancaster, Ontario
Belden's Illustrated Historical Atlas of the County of Victoria, Ontario, 1881. Millennium Edition / edited by Edward C. Phelps, Alexander Publishing, Ancaster, Ontario
Bernhard E. Fernow letter
Bernhard E. Fernow letter
Bobcaygeon Road : Re-survey fonds. Additions
Bobcaygeon Road : Re-survey fonds. Additions
Bobcaygeon Road : Somerville Township to Bell's line fonds. Additions
Bobcaygeon Road : Somerville Township to Bell's line fonds. Additions
Boyd family fonds
Boyd family fonds
Bury's Green Women's Institute collection
Bury's Green Women's Institute collection
Business account ledger
Business account ledger
Canada. 1871 Victoria County and Durham (East) County Census
Canada. 1871 Victoria County and Durham (East) County Census
Canada. 1881 Peterborough, Victoria, Hastings, Durham and Northumberland Census
Canada. 1881 Peterborough, Victoria, Hastings, Durham and Northumberland Census
Canada West. 1851 and 1861 Victoria County Census
Canada West. 1851 and 1861 Victoria County Census
Carrie Brady notebooks collection
Carrie Brady notebooks collection
Cecil Gray Frost fonds
Cecil Gray Frost fonds
Christ Church, Bobcaygeon, Ontario fonds
Christ Church, Bobcaygeon, Ontario fonds
Christ Church, Bobcaygeon, Ontario fonds. Additions
Christ Church, Bobcaygeon, Ontario fonds. Additions
Colonel George E. Laidlaw fonds
Colonel George E. Laidlaw fonds
Colonel R.I. Moore fonds
Colonel R.I. Moore fonds
David Brown collection
David Brown collection
David Macmillan fonds
David Macmillan fonds
Dawn Bell Logan collection on Thomas Need
Dawn Bell Logan collection on Thomas Need
Dennis Dickens Sweeting fonds
Dennis Dickens Sweeting fonds
Dennis Patrick Sears interview fonds
Dennis Patrick Sears interview fonds
Diary and report of the Bell's Line Survey / by Robert Bell
Diary and report of the Bell's Line Survey / by Robert Bell
Dunsford family tree
Dunsford family tree