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Students sports: skiing
Students sports: skiing
Feasibility Study: Private Development of University Lands for Student Housing - Lett/Smith Architects (loose on shelf)
Feasibility Study: Private Development of University Lands for Student Housing - Lett/Smith Architects (loose on shelf)
Trent University [a large blue brochure highlighting major early achievements and goals, as well as outlining basic administrative structure]
Trent University [a large blue brochure highlighting major early achievements and goals, as well as outlining basic administrative structure]
Indigenous Protocol Guidebook
Indigenous Protocol Guidebook
Trent University Alumni Association, Founding of the Association, A Chronology / Bob Taylor-Vaisey
Trent University Alumni Association, Founding of the Association, A Chronology / Bob Taylor-Vaisey
Strategic Mandate Agreement: Trent University and the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development 2017-20
Strategic Mandate Agreement: Trent University and the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development 2017-20
Charter of Student Rights and Responsibilities: approved by the Board of Governors, February 3, 2012
Charter of Student Rights and Responsibilities: approved by the Board of Governors, February 3, 2012
Water Street Student Residence Project. A Community Report
Water Street Student Residence Project. A Community Report
Radical Recovery: The First Academic Plan for Trent University (2012-2015). [Discussion draft]. / Provost and Vice-President Academic Gary Boire,
Radical Recovery: The First Academic Plan for Trent University (2012-2015). [Discussion draft]. / Provost and Vice-President Academic Gary Boire,
Towards a Sustainable Future: The First Integrated Plan for Trent University (2010-2015)
Towards a Sustainable Future: The First Integrated Plan for Trent University (2010-2015)
Towards a Sustainable Future: The First Integrated Plan for Trent University (2010-2014), (draft)
Towards a Sustainable Future: The First Integrated Plan for Trent University (2010-2014), (draft)
Mission for Trent University, approved by Senate May 11, 2010; Strategic Directions Update: Preparing for Integrated Planning, endorsed by Senate
Mission for Trent University, approved by Senate May 11, 2010; Strategic Directions Update: Preparing for Integrated Planning, endorsed by Senate
Challenge and Opportunity: Trent University Library Strategic Plan 2009-2014
Challenge and Opportunity: Trent University Library Strategic Plan 2009-2014
Pilot Project: Non-Academic Misconduct Draft Policy and Procedures
Pilot Project: Non-Academic Misconduct Draft Policy and Procedures
Thyroid Nodules and Thyroid Cancer: Registrar's Office and Blackburn Hall, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario. Dr. Garry Humphreys
Thyroid Nodules and Thyroid Cancer: Registrar's Office and Blackburn Hall, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario. Dr. Garry Humphreys
Report on Illness Investigation, Indoor Air Quality, Electromagnetic Field and Preliminary Ionizing Radiation Surveys Conducted in the Registrar's Office and Blackburn Hall of Trent University, February, March and April 2006. Prepared by The Pinchin Group
Report on Illness Investigation, Indoor Air Quality, Electromagnetic Field and Preliminary Ionizing Radiation Surveys Conducted in the Registrar's Office and Blackburn Hall of Trent University, February, March and April 2006. Prepared by The Pinchin Group
"Catharine Parr Traill College": Its History and Its Future (plus attached letter) / Michael Peterman,
"Catharine Parr Traill College": Its History and Its Future (plus attached letter) / Michael Peterman,
Library External Review Terms of Reference, January 2005; Trent University Thomas J. Bata Library: External Review / Sara Lochhead & Joyce Garnett
Library External Review Terms of Reference, January 2005; Trent University Thomas J. Bata Library: External Review / Sara Lochhead & Joyce Garnett
Budget Series [pamphlets]: Information for staff and faculty: #1 The Post-Double Cohort Picture; #2 After the Rae Review; #3 Post-Provincial Budget
Budget Series [pamphlets]: Information for staff and faculty: #1 The Post-Double Cohort Picture; #2 After the Rae Review; #3 Post-Provincial Budget
Post-secondary Review: Higher Expectations for Higher Education / Ontario
Post-secondary Review: Higher Expectations for Higher Education / Ontario
Trent University's Submission to the Rae Review of Postsecondary Education
Trent University's Submission to the Rae Review of Postsecondary Education
Trent University: Growing Local Expertise for Ontario's Future
Trent University: Growing Local Expertise for Ontario's Future
"Trent Admin draft 'Student Code of (Mis)Conduct:' Students fear 'Code' a ploy to keep activism in check" (Arthur article, 24 February 2003)
"Trent Admin draft 'Student Code of (Mis)Conduct:' Students fear 'Code' a ploy to keep activism in check" (Arthur article, 24 February 2003)
Build 2000 Construction Update
Build 2000 Construction Update
Simply Water? Who Owns It? Can You Trust It? Is There Enough? / Sheperd Family Workshop Presented by the Environmental and Resource Studies Program and The Watershed Science Centre, Trent University, Feb. 18-21, 2002. Final Report
Simply Water? Who Owns It? Can You Trust It? Is There Enough? / Sheperd Family Workshop Presented by the Environmental and Resource Studies Program and The Watershed Science Centre, Trent University, Feb. 18-21, 2002. Final Report