This fonds consists of papers regarding Professor Annett's Ph.D. dissertation, and includes data and post-dissertation data. Also included are closed records relating to Science 101a and 101b at Trent University.
Annett, RobertThis fonds consists of the administrative and academic records created during Professor Kenneth Kidd's career at Trent University. The fonds has been arranged into three distinct series: administrative, academic, and materials related to the development of the native studies program at Trent University. It includes: committee minutes; correspondence, especially relating to the Departments of Anthropology and Native Studies; and manuscripts of works on glass beads, which were later published. There are also brochures, programs and papers from learned societies.
Kidd, Kenneth E.This fonds consists of research materials collected by Professor Ross Irwin for his book on Mariposa Township, Victoria County. Material added August 1992 includes a copy of Mariposa: The Banner Township and a series of 8 scrapbooks created by Mrs. Alex McIntyre of Oakwood, Ontario and donated via Professor Irwin. Additions of 1994 include slides of Lindsay, Ontario and other scenes in Victoria County taken in approximately the 1960s. Additions of 2002 include 2 notebooks of Robert Irwin, Cambray. Additions of 2010 include studio portraits of ancestral family members. Additions of 2012 include items related to the history of the Wakelin family and a scribbler with house-building notes.
Irwin, RossFonds consists of correspondence, pamphlets, journal issues, and other material related primarily to the peace movement. Included are records of Kawartha Ploughshares and Project Ploughshares, and letters written between Alan and Linda Slavin and government officials regarding nuclear disarmament, capital punishment, etc.
Slavin, Alan J.Fonds is a research collection comprised of handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, photocopies of published and primary materials, transcriptions of letters, video and cassette tapes. Subject areas pertain primarily to Catharine Parr Traill, Susanna Moodie, Robertson Davies, and a conference held at Trent University in honour of Timothy Findley (1997). Also included are handwritten notes, correspondence with researchers, publishers and editors, and copies of talks, papers and manuscripts by Professor Peterman.
Peterman, MichaelThis fonds consists of correspondence with Board of Governors of Trent University and other Trent records. It also contains research records for book a by Professor Denis Smith: Bleeding Hearts, Bleeding Country and records relating to his editorialship of "Canadian Forum".
Smith, DenisFonds is comprised of textual records related to the research and publishing activities of Professor James Neufeld. These papers include research notes, correspondence, interview notes, and background materials for four books: Power to Rise: The Story of The National Ballet of Canada (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1996), Lois Marshall: A Biography (Toronto: Dundurn Press, 2010), Passion to Dance: The National Ballet of Canada (Toronto: Dundurn Press, 2011), and Karen Kain: Artistic Director (2019). Also includes an archive of published articles by Professor Neufeld in various journals and magazines (1976-2012). Fonds is arranged into three series: Ballet in Canada research materials, Lois Marshall research materials, and Published articles.
Neufeld, JamesFonds consists of correspondence, manuscripts, published articles, memos, and notes related to the careers of Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani.
Bagnani, Gilbert and StewartFonds consists of materials relating to conferences, colloquiums, and workshops in which Professor John Marsh was involved, and to courses taught by Professor Marsh at Trent University. Also included is miscellaneous correspondence, and reports, submissions, papers, articles, and books written by and edited by Professor Marsh. Included in the fonds are four photographs and six cassette tapes.
Marsh, JohnFonds is comprised of 54 audio reel-to-reel tapes created by Lionel Rubinoff; the tapes are recordings of contributions by Professor Rubinoff to CBC Ideas and other CBC programs broadcast in the late 1960s and 1970s. Also included are recordings of various lectures and a Sony reel-to-reel tape player.
Rubinoff, LionelThe fonds consists of lecture notes, correspondence and records related to Professor Barbara Rooke and her membership in the Department of English at Trent University.
Rooke, BarbaraFonds consists of research notes re RCMP, and Prisoners of Cabrera. Also included is a translation of the book on Pinochet.
Smith, DenisFonds consists of correspondence, questionnaires and reports generated by Professor David R. Cameron who was commissioned by the Department of the Secretary of State (superseded by the Department of Canadian Heritage) to investigate the status of Canadian Studies in the 1990s. His report, "Taking Stock: Canadian Studies in the Nineties" was published by the Association of Canadian Studies in 1996. Materials include readers' comments on the draft report.
Cameron, David R.Fonds is comprised of correspondence, memos, legal documents, and reports pertaining to the administrative career of David Morrison at Trent University.
Morrison, David R.Fonds consists of Professor Dawn L. Smith's research on the Spanish Golden Age Theatre revival, post-Franco 1975-1996. The collection includes research materials, newspaper clippings, theatre bulletins, correspondence, notes, and published articles. Also included are copies of two books: Historia de los Teatros Nacionales 1939-1962 and Cuatro Siglos de Teatro en Madrid.
Smith, Dawn L.Collection consists of disparate materials collected by Professor Macmillan who was a philatelist. The correspondence and documents pertain to writers in Great Britain and the British Empire. The subject matter ranges from military campaigns between the British and the French, mutiny in the West Indies and India and the sugar and slave trade in the West Indies. Subjects of letters include: battles in India, trade routes in West Indies and Asia; wars with France, Spain, and Austria.
Macmillan, David StirlingThis fonds consists of materials relating to Gilbert and Sullivan productions, the Coventry Singers of Peterborough, and the Town and Gown concerts of Peterborough. Also included are materials related to the Progressive Conservatives, the New Democratic Party, the 1975 election, and Peterborough voting patterns.
Wearing, JosephThis fonds consists of Professor Brunger's research in 19th century Canadian historical geography, mainly in Upper Canada/Ontario, focused on emigration from the U.K. and settlement in Newcastle (Peterborough County) District and London (Talbot Settlement) District. Included in the research materials are several maps, a small collection of photo negatives, and microfilm reels.
Brunger, AlanThe fonds consists of page proofs and uncorrected typescripts of book by Professor Deryck M. Schreuder in the Cambridge Commonwealth Series: "The Scramble for Southern Africa, 1877-1895: the Politics of Partition Reappraised."
Schreuder, Deryck M.This fonds consists of Professor Paehlke's correspondence and lists of bibliographic citations on asbestos, uranium mining, hazardous and toxic chemicals, insecticide spraying, recycling and waste management as well as other environmental issues.
Paehlke, RobertFonds consists of manuscript copies, correspondence, newspaper clippings, research materials, and notes related to the English translation by Professors Dawn and Denis Smith of the 1998 edition of El Ultimo dia de Salvador Allende by Oscar Soto. The English title is The Last Day of Salvador Allende: a Chronicle of the Assault on La Moneda Palace, Santiago de Chile.
Folders in the box include the following:
Folder 1
- Correspondence, 1999-2001: correspondents include Dawn Smith, Denis Smith, Alicia Soto, Oscar Soto, and Bella Pomer
- Book proposal, manuscript submissions, letters to editors, newspaper clippings, notes, right to translate, 1999-2001
Folder 2
- “Allende Files”: Correspondence, 1998-1999; includes correspondence with Alicia Soto
- “Notes for Oscar Soto” regarding the translation of text
- Notes regarding contracts, fees, and rights to the translation
Folder 3
- Typed drafts of the English translation of the introduction to Oscar Soto’s The Last Day of Salvador Allende (also floppy disk labeled “New Introduction 30.12.99”)
Folder 4
- Manuscript copy of The Last Day of Salvador Allende: A Chronicle of the Assault on La Moneda Palace, Santiago de Chile by Oscar Soto, translated into English by Professors Dawn and Denis Smith (also floppy disk copy of same manuscript)
- Photocopy of blueprint of La Moneda Palace
Folder 5
- News articles on the Pinochet trial from November 1998 to May 2000
- Printed email correspondence between Denis Smith and various editors of newspapers
This fonds consists of three papers written by Peter Adams (one with B.F. Findlay and B.E. Goodison) concerning snow. It also includes his speech notes for a Peterborough Social Planning Council meeting, and two annual reports written in his capacity as M.P.P.
Adams, William PeterFonds consists of research materials relating to the biography of John Diefenbaker: Rogue Tory. Includes interviews with John Diefenbaker, Dalton Camp and photocopies of many letters and papers from the Diefenbaker Centre, the National Archives of Canada, the Public Record Office and the Kennedy Library.
Smith, DenisFonds consists of correspondence, reserach notes and manuscripts created by Professor Denis Smith during his career as a university professor, political science commentator and author. Materials in this fonds relate to Gentle Patriot (biography of Walter Gordon); Diplomacy of Fear (Canadian/American relations during the period of the cold war). Also included are materials generated by Smith as editor of the Canadian Forum and the Journal of Canadian Studies.
Smith, DenisFonds is comprised of research materials, correspondence and manuscript drafts related to Professor Denis Smith's books The Prisoners of Cabrera: Napoleon's Forgotten Soldiers, 1809-1814 and General Miranda’s Wars: Turmoil and Revolt in Spanish America, 1750-1816. Also included are reviews, correspondence, and newspaper clippings pertaining to various other books and articles by Smith, and materials pertaining to Trent University.
Smith, Denis