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2 · Series · [197-]-2023 [originally created 1794-2023]
Part of Dawn Bell Logan collection on Thomas Need

Series consists of other resources used by Dawn Logan while researching Thomas Need. Files include correspondence, research notes, newspaper articles, genealogical resources, and biographical information on contemporaries of Thomas Need and his family members, including a family tree. Files on Need cover both his time in Canada and England. Files also include references to other settler families living in Bobcaygeon, Ontario (Verulam Township), and the surrounding area, including Cobourg, Colbourne, and the Bobcaygeon locks. Other families or contemporaries mentioned include the Boyds, Langtons, Nicol Hugh Baird and Thomas Stewart. Series also consists of biographical information for Thomas Need, Reverand William Welfitt, and the Robertson and Junkin families, including wills, newspaper clippings, and correspondence. Series also consists of excerpts of manuscripts and books used to research Thomas Need. The manuscripts are on the topics of Bobcaygeon, Ontario and on the Bick family.

4 · Series · [198-]-2023 [originally created 1838-2023]
Part of Dawn Bell Logan collection on Thomas Need

Series consists of documents pertaining to the publication of Thomas Need: a settler in the backwoods of Upper Canada, including publisher letters, correspondence, publication invoices, and photographs used in the book. Series also consists of research materials on Thomas Need. These materials were used to write articles about him in different publications including the Kawartha Sun newspaper and the Dictionary of Canadian biography. These files include photocopied book excerpts from different publications, the will of Elizabeth Welfitt, and photocopied historical correspondence.

Loose documents

The loose documents, primarily marriage lists except for one baptism list, date from 1831 to 1851. These are indexed with information taken from the Walker-Molotkow Marriage Registers of Upper Canada/Canada West vol.7, parts 1 and 2, Newcastle District available only in our reading room. These published indexes were prepared from the registers of marriages in the Ontario Archives. The documents we have at Trent are the original returns prepared by the clergy.

77-028 · Series · 1851, 1861
Part of Census microfilm collection

The microfilms are copies of the 1851 and 1861 decennial nominal census for Peterborough County and parts of Prescott and Prince Edward Counties. Also included (reel 4) is the 1851 census for the Townships of Minden, Stanhope, and Dysart.

Canada West. Peterborough County Census.
80-001 · Series · 1851, 1861
Part of Census microfilm collection

The Microfilm are copies of the Library and Archives Canada decennial, nominal census for the County of Victoria, 1851 and 1861. Also included on the microfilm are the nominal census for Stormont County, 1861 and Waterloo County, 1861.

Canada West. Victoria County Census.
9 · Series · 1867-1920
Part of J. Gainey fonds

Series consists of records of the Iron Moulders' Union of North America, including minute books, financial records, correspondence within Canada and with the United States, appeals for assistance, by-laws and rules, and union suspended lists.

77-029 · Series · 1871
Part of Census microfilm collection

The microfilms are copies of the decennial nominal census for Peterborough County from 1871. The microfilm also includes census records for parts of Northumberland East, Prince Edward and Hastings Counties.

Canada. Peterborough County Census.
83-007 · Series · 1881
Part of Census microfilm collection

Series consists of five microfilm reels of the decennial nominal census, of 1881, of Peterborough, Victoria, Hastings, Durham and Northumberland Counties. This collection includes the census of the towns, villages, and townships of Hastings County (north) and are listed as follows: Marmora Lake, Wollaston, Monteagle, Hershel, Wicklow, McClure, Bangor, Mayo, Carlo, Grimsthorpe, Elzevir, Dungannon, Faraday, Cashel, Limerick, Tudor, Sabine, Airey, Lyell, Murchison and Robinson; also Northumberland County (east), including Cramahe, Colborne (village), Brighton, Brighton (village), Murray, Percy, Seymour, Campbellford (village) and Hastings (village). Included also is Northumberland County (west) encompassing Alnwick, Haldimand, Hamilton, and Cobourg (town); and Peterborough County (east), which includes Ashburnham (village), Norwood (village), Burleigh, Anstruther, Chandos, Harvey, Galway, Cavendish, Belmont, Methuen, Hastings (village), Asphodel, Stanhope, Sherborne, McClintock, Dudley, Dysart, Harcourt, Snowden, Glamorgan, Monmouth, Cardiff, Minden, Douro, Otonabee, and Dummer. Also included is Peterborough County (west), encompassing Peterborough (town), Smith, Monaghan (north), Monaghan (south), and Ennismore; also Durham County (east), which includes Hope, Port Hope (town), Cavan, Manvers, Millbrook (village); also Durham County (west), which includes Darlington, Newcastle (village), Clarke, Cartwright, and Bowmanville (town); also Victoria County (south), which includes Ops, Lindsay (town), Mariposa, Emily, Verulam, Omemee (village), and Bobcaygeon (village); also Victoria County (north), which includes Eldon, Fenelon, Fenelon Falls (village), Carden, Dalton, Bexley, Somerville, Digby, Laxton, Longford, Lutterworth, Hindon, and Anson; also Muskoka, which includes Morrison, Gravenhurst (village), Muskoka, Wood, Medora, Monk, Cardwell, Watt, Conger, Humphrey, Oakley, Ryde, Draper, Bracebridge (village), Macauly, Brunel, Stephenson, Ridout, McLean, Sinclair, Franklin, Proudfoot, Chaffey, Bethune, Perry, McDougall, Cowper, and Foley.

Canada. Census.
12 · Series · 1901-1930
Part of J. Gainey fonds

Series consists of records of Local 17 of the Bricklayers, Masons and Plasterers' International Union of America, including minutes, correspondence, circuletters, scab lists, shop steward reports, financial records, material from the Ontario Provincial Conference, and other material. Also included are 54 volumes of published constitutions, proceedings, reports, and delinquent lists.

7 · Series · 1902-1917
Part of J. Gainey fonds

Series consists of records of Local 23 of the Journeymen Tailors' Union of America, including correspondence, bills of prices, signage advertising the union label, minutes, and constitutions.