The microfilms were produced by the Archives of Ontario from records in possession of the Clerk of the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham dating from 1849 to 1870. This collection includes the rolls of the towns, villages and townships of the United Counties arranged in alphabetical order as follows: Alnwick, Bowmanville town, Brighton, Brighton village, Cartwright, Cavan, Clarke, Cobourg town, Colbourne Village, Cramahe, Darlington, Haldimand, Hamilton, Hope, Manvers, Monaghan South, Murray, Newcastle village, Percy, Port Hope town, and Seymour.
United Counties of Northumberland and DurhamThis fonds consists of a microfilm series known as "Black Series" headquarters files from 1872 to 1950.
Canada. Department of Indian and Northern AffairsThis fonds consists of 12 microfilm reels of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Yukon Territory records which are located in the Library and Archives Canada as RG 18 D, Series 1-4, Old or Series 1-3 New; PAC C-2143 to C-2154. This fonds includes Dawson City Headquarters records (letter books and general and local orders); detachment records; and general administration and other records. The records on the microfilm date from 1898 to 1951.
The item is a microfilm copy of a scrapbook compiled by D.S. Cruther's grandmother containing obituaries and pictures of all kinds of events, from such journals as the Illustrated London News, Harper's Weekly, etc. The scrapbook is a good study of the social, architectural, art and other interests of a Mid-Victorian Canadian woman.
Cruthers familyMicrofilm copy of portions of R.G. 27, volumes 55-61, in the Library and Archives Canada. It includes scrapbooks of clippings on the Winnipeg General Strike and the sedition trials which followed from 1919 to 1920.
Department of LabourThis fonds consists of microfilmed copies of 3 volumes, which include 2 registers of baptisms (1852-1893), and one register of burials (1851-1906).
St. Thomas the Apostle Anglican Church of Moose Factory, OntarioThe fonds consists of minutes of general, executive and special meetings of the Toronto Trades Assembly (February 1871-February 1878) and the Toronto Trades and Labour Council, its successor (July 1881-April 1893), broken down as follows: Volume I contains Toronto Trades Assembly minutes from February 1871 to February 1878, pages 1-359, 400. Volume II contains Toronto Trades and Labour Council minutes from July 1881 to October 1883, pages 1-30, 1-256. Volume III contains Toronto Trades and Labour Council minutes from October 1883 to September 1885, pages 1-258. Volume IV contains Toronto Trades and Labour Council minutes from October 1885 to July 1887; Volume V contains Toronto Trades and Labour Council minutes from August 1887 to April 1893, pages 1-392.
Toronto Trades Assembly and Toronto Trades and Labour CouncilThe fonds consists of registers of baptisms, marriages and burials of Albany Parish in the Diocese of Moosonee from 1859 to 1966.
Diocese of MoosoneeThe item is a microfilm of a copy book of correspondence from and to Peter Russell, president administering the government of Upper Canada during the period November 1796 to March 1798. The correspondents include Captain William Claus, Superintendent of Indians and Indian Affairs, and Captain Joseph Brant. Included are copies of speeches made by Russell to "Brothers, Chiefs and Warriors of the Six Nations" concerning their land grants on the Grand River, as well as speeches to "Brothers, Chiefs and Warriors of the Chippewa Nation".
Russell, PeterThe microfilms are copies of the 1851 and 1861 decennial nominal census for Peterborough County and parts of Prescott and Prince Edward Counties. Also included (reel 4) is the 1851 census for the Townships of Minden, Stanhope, and Dysart.
Canada West. Peterborough County Census.The 10 microfilm reels deal with the decennial manuscript census for 1901 of Peterborough County and Town, Victoria County, Northumberland County, Durham County and Hastings County.
Canada. Census.The microfilms are copies of assessment and census rolls, 1803-1850, voter's lists, 1854, and poll books, 1816, 1820, 1824 for the Newcastle District. Area covered includes various townships in the present-day counties of Peterborough, Northumberland, Durham and Victoria. The townships of Hamilton and Haldimand were not filmed.
Upper Canada. Newcastle DistrictThis is a microfilm collection of farmers diaries from Upper Canada dating from 1799 to 1894.
- Reel No. 1: Captain Wm. Johnson Diaries, 1832-1850
- Reel No. 2: George Leith Diary, 1834-1852
- Reel No. 3: Edward & James Wilson Diaries
- Reel No. 4: Daniel Fowler Diary, ca 1846, and Arthur J. Kingstone Diary, 1833
- Reel No. 5: Angus Mackintosh Diary, 1813-1814, and Mrs. E.G. O'Brien Journal, 1828-1838
- Reel No. 6: Wm. & Elizabeth Peters Diary, 1850, and Hamnett K. Pinhey Diary, 1829-1840
- Reel No. 7: Benjamin Smith Diary, 1799-1849, and Captain R.E. Vidal Diary, 1835
- Reel No. 8: Isaac Wilson Diary, 1811-1841, and Solomon D. Bagg Diary, 1858-1867
This fonds consists of 12 microfilm reels of records from the Canada Company located in the Archives of Ontario. It includes correspondence, 1824-1904: letter books, correspondence with Commissioners, shareholders, H.M. Government, etc.; Minutes, 1824-1869: Court of Directors and committee minutes; and Reports, 1841-1864: as well as reports on tracts of land.
Microfilm consists of one 16 mm reel of records collected by Chief George Paudash of the Hiawatha reserve at Rice Lake, Ontario. Included on the reel are the following: Letterbook, 1825-1842; Band Council Minutes, 1834-1848; Peter Jones Entry Book, 1831-1848 (includes band council minutes, correspondence, addresses, and petitions); and Band Council Minutes and Correspondence, 1842-1867. The reel is Series A - Vol. 1011, T-1456.
Paudash, Chief GeorgeThis fonds consists of a group of 28 indexes compiled by the Registrar General's office and its successor, the Registrar's Branch of the Secretary of State including General Indexes, 1651-1954; keys to General Indexes, 1651-1947; indexes relating to Dominion Lands, Indian and Ordinance Lands, grants, deeds, proclamations, quit-claims, commissions, letters patent and others from 1700 to 1965.
The records consist of the letter books, on microfilm, of William Spragge, Deputy Superintendant General from 1879 to 1924. See Finding Aid to R.G. 10 from the Library and Archives Canada in the Trent University Archives reading room.
Canada. Indian Affairs. Deputy Superintendant Generals' letter booksThis fonds consists of microfilmed records from the eastern Ontario Indian Affairs office known as the "Red Series".
Canada. Department of Indian and Northern AffairsThis fonds consists of microfilm of RG 1, E3 which is described in the Public Archives of Canada inventory as a series of loose miscellaneous records which provide the documentation and background for many of the cases referred to the Executive Council of Upper Canada. The cases relate to many topics, some of which are: the 1837 Rebellion in Upper Canada; petitions for land, clemency, and various types of licenses; a few trials for murder and arson; schools; lists of settlers; roads and bridges; and United Empire Loyalists. The records on the microfilm date from 1791 to 1841.
Upper CanadaThese census consists of microfilm copies of the Library and Archives Canada decennial and nominal census for Northumberland and Durham Counties from 1851, 1861 and 1871.
Canada West and Canada. United Counties of Durham and Northumberland CensusMicrofilm copy of nominal, decennial census of Victoria County and Durham (East) County for 1871. The census for Durham East includes only the Townships of Cavan and Manvers.
Canada. Victoria County and Durham (East) County Census.Series consists of five microfilm reels of the decennial nominal census, of 1881, of Peterborough, Victoria, Hastings, Durham and Northumberland Counties. This collection includes the census of the towns, villages, and townships of Hastings County (north) and are listed as follows: Marmora Lake, Wollaston, Monteagle, Hershel, Wicklow, McClure, Bangor, Mayo, Carlo, Grimsthorpe, Elzevir, Dungannon, Faraday, Cashel, Limerick, Tudor, Sabine, Airey, Lyell, Murchison and Robinson; also Northumberland County (east), including Cramahe, Colborne (village), Brighton, Brighton (village), Murray, Percy, Seymour, Campbellford (village) and Hastings (village). Included also is Northumberland County (west) encompassing Alnwick, Haldimand, Hamilton, and Cobourg (town); and Peterborough County (east), which includes Ashburnham (village), Norwood (village), Burleigh, Anstruther, Chandos, Harvey, Galway, Cavendish, Belmont, Methuen, Hastings (village), Asphodel, Stanhope, Sherborne, McClintock, Dudley, Dysart, Harcourt, Snowden, Glamorgan, Monmouth, Cardiff, Minden, Douro, Otonabee, and Dummer. Also included is Peterborough County (west), encompassing Peterborough (town), Smith, Monaghan (north), Monaghan (south), and Ennismore; also Durham County (east), which includes Hope, Port Hope (town), Cavan, Manvers, Millbrook (village); also Durham County (west), which includes Darlington, Newcastle (village), Clarke, Cartwright, and Bowmanville (town); also Victoria County (south), which includes Ops, Lindsay (town), Mariposa, Emily, Verulam, Omemee (village), and Bobcaygeon (village); also Victoria County (north), which includes Eldon, Fenelon, Fenelon Falls (village), Carden, Dalton, Bexley, Somerville, Digby, Laxton, Longford, Lutterworth, Hindon, and Anson; also Muskoka, which includes Morrison, Gravenhurst (village), Muskoka, Wood, Medora, Monk, Cardwell, Watt, Conger, Humphrey, Oakley, Ryde, Draper, Bracebridge (village), Macauly, Brunel, Stephenson, Ridout, McLean, Sinclair, Franklin, Proudfoot, Chaffey, Bethune, Perry, McDougall, Cowper, and Foley.
Canada. Census.Series consists of census records for Victoria, Peterborough, Northumberland and Durham Counties from 1891.
Canada. Census.Fonds consists of two microfilm reels. The first is of Cape Croker Indian Reserve Band Records, 1880-1966, and includes land sale records, correspondence in sale of land, and Jesuit diaries. Source information noted on this film is as follows: "This material lent for microfilming to the Department of Public Records and Archives by Mr. Wilmer Nadjiwon of Cape Croker, February, 1968, and was returned to him. Accession Number 6018". There is also reference to "Ontario Archives" throughout. The second is of Cape Croker Indian Reserve Records, 1856-1919 and includes Paul Smith field notes, band council resolutions, native cures, and history of Cape Croker reserve. Source information noted on this film is as follows: "Rec'd Dec. 12, 1966, Dept. Ethnology."
Cape Croker Indian ReserveThe fonds consists of microfilmed copies of undated and dated correspondence, and papers from 1796 to 1842. Topics included are: Mohawk rationing, relations with Joseph Brant and his family, Indian land administration in Upper Canada and United States, family/personal news, and Six Nations Affairs. The fonds also includes papers, notes and correspondence of J. McE. Murray of the Ontario Historical Society regarding the Ontario Historical Society's papers and records (Vol. 37, 1945).
Norton, John