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YMCA Camp Wangoma: history and newsletters
YMCA Camp Wangoma: history and newsletters
YMCA Camp Sunfish collection
YMCA Camp Sunfish collection
Work of art by John A. Wiseman, former Trent University Librarian
Work of art by John A. Wiseman, former Trent University Librarian
William Horsley research material documenting the life of William Horsley and his family
William Horsley research material documenting the life of William Horsley and his family
Wedding video of Dennis and Karen Carter-Edwards
Wedding video of Dennis and Karen Carter-Edwards
Watercolour paintings [2] by the Rev. Michael A. Farrar
Watercolour paintings [2] by the Rev. Michael A. Farrar
Watercolour painting of Champlain College bell tower by artist Oscar Schlienger
Watercolour painting of Champlain College bell tower by artist Oscar Schlienger
"Warrants of Distress" Hamilton Township, Canada West
"Warrants of Distress" Hamilton Township, Canada West
"Voting History - Peterborough Ridings," A chart depicting the voting history of Peterborough, Ontario ridings
"Voting History - Peterborough Ridings," A chart depicting the voting history of Peterborough, Ontario ridings
"Vinland Revisited" by Trent alumnus James B. Hamilton
"Vinland Revisited" by Trent alumnus James B. Hamilton
Victoria Trust, Lindsay [Ontario] Account Ledger
Victoria Trust, Lindsay [Ontario] Account Ledger
Verschoyle Benson Blake journal entries pertaining to Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani
Verschoyle Benson Blake journal entries pertaining to Gilbert and Stewart Bagnani
USSR Leninist posters: post-Russian Revolution era propaganda posters, reproductions
USSR Leninist posters: post-Russian Revolution era propaganda posters, reproductions
Uncorrected proof of Gentle Pioneers: Five Nineteenth-Century Canadians by Audrey Y. Morris
Uncorrected proof of Gentle Pioneers: Five Nineteenth-Century Canadians by Audrey Y. Morris
Typhoid Fever sign (cardboard)
Typhoid Fever sign (cardboard)
Two notebooks, one of which seems to be records of the South Monaghan [Agricultural Society?]
Two notebooks, one of which seems to be records of the South Monaghan [Agricultural Society?]
Two maps: reproduction titled "Great Lakes as mapped,"; and "Johnson's Upper Canada by Johnson and Ward
Two maps: reproduction titled "Great Lakes as mapped,"; and "Johnson's Upper Canada by Johnson and Ward
Trent University Radio Service, Broadcasting Board, Peter Robinson College: minutes and correspondence
Trent University Radio Service, Broadcasting Board, Peter Robinson College: minutes and correspondence
Trent University photographs of early Trent students
Trent University photographs of early Trent students
Trent University 1991 Faculty Strike video
Trent University 1991 Faculty Strike video
Trent Canals Hydraulic Lock No. 1 Peterborough Liftlock Print
Trent Canals Hydraulic Lock No. 1 Peterborough Liftlock Print
Transcripts and photocopies of letters received courtesy of Professor Ross Irwin
Transcripts and photocopies of letters received courtesy of Professor Ross Irwin
Traill Family microfilm collection
Traill Family microfilm collection
Tom Symons and Me / Denis Desjardins
Tom Symons and Me / Denis Desjardins
Three Canadian Pauline Johnson first day covers (postal envelopes)
Three Canadian Pauline Johnson first day covers (postal envelopes)