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Newfoundland. Kitchin, Thomas, d. 1784. A new map of the only useful and frequented part of New Found Land. London. From: The London Magazine v. 31, p. 408
Newfoundland. Kitchin, Thomas, d. 1784. A new map of the only useful and frequented part of New Found Land. London. From: The London Magazine v. 31, p. 408
Quebec. Kitchin, Thomas, d. 1784. A new map of the Province of Quebec in North America. [London?]
Quebec. Kitchin, Thomas, d. 1784. A new map of the Province of Quebec in North America. [London?]
Nova Scotia. 27 A map of the South Part of Nova Scotia and its Fishing Banks with two inserts: A Plan of Halifax Survey'd by M(oses) Harris, and, A View of Halifax drawn from ye top mast head. From: The English Pilot, the fourth book, describing the West-India Navigation, from Hudson's Bay to the river Amazones... Map no. 14. Dublin, 1767. Map also has cartouche: To the right Honble the Lords Comission for Trade and plantations. No author given. Phillips notes the map was probably inserted. Appears to be based on Thomas Jefferys' map of 1750
Nova Scotia. 27 A map of the South Part of Nova Scotia and its Fishing Banks with two inserts: A Plan of Halifax Survey'd by M(oses) Harris, and, A View of Halifax drawn from ye top mast head. From: The English Pilot, the fourth book, describing the West-India Navigation, from Hudson's Bay to the river Amazones... Map no. 14. Dublin, 1767. Map also has cartouche: To the right Honble the Lords Comission for Trade and plantations. No author given. Phillips notes the map was probably inserted. Appears to be based on Thomas Jefferys' map of 1750
An Act of George III to help defray charges of civil government in the Province of Quebec
An Act of George III to help defray charges of civil government in the Province of Quebec
Northwest Coast of North America and Russia, Northeastern. Imperatorsk i a adademiia nauk (Russia) Russian discoveries from the map published by the Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg. Printed for Robert Sayer, London. published March 27, 1775
Northwest Coast of North America and Russia, Northeastern. Imperatorsk i a adademiia nauk (Russia) Russian discoveries from the map published by the Imperial Academy of St. Petersburg. Printed for Robert Sayer, London. published March 27, 1775
Prince Edward Island. 26 Holland, Samuel, 1728-1801. A map of the Island of St. John, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence divided into counties and parishes and the lots as granted by Government to which are added the soundings round the coast & harbours improved from the late survey of Captain Holland. [London, Sayer & Bennett, 6 April, 1775] From: The North American Pilot for Newfoundland, Labradore, the Gulf and River St. Laurence. Chart XIII
Prince Edward Island. 26 Holland, Samuel, 1728-1801. A map of the Island of St. John, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence divided into counties and parishes and the lots as granted by Government to which are added the soundings round the coast & harbours improved from the late survey of Captain Holland. [London, Sayer & Bennett, 6 April, 1775] From: The North American Pilot for Newfoundland, Labradore, the Gulf and River St. Laurence. Chart XIII
St. Lawrence River. 25 Jefferys, Thomas, d. 1771 An exact chart of the River St. Laurence from Fort Frontenac to the Island of Anticosti showing the soundings rocks, shoals, etc. with views of the lands and all necessary instructions for navigating that river to Quebec. London, Robert Sayer, May 25, 1775. Originally published: Lond, Thomas Jefferys at Charing Cross, Jan. 25, 1757. Phillips maps p. 762. Phillips Atlases 1165, map no. 9
St. Lawrence River. 25 Jefferys, Thomas, d. 1771 An exact chart of the River St. Laurence from Fort Frontenac to the Island of Anticosti showing the soundings rocks, shoals, etc. with views of the lands and all necessary instructions for navigating that river to Quebec. London, Robert Sayer, May 25, 1775. Originally published: Lond, Thomas Jefferys at Charing Cross, Jan. 25, 1757. Phillips maps p. 762. Phillips Atlases 1165, map no. 9
Lake Champlain. 8 Holland, Samuel, 1728-1801. A chorographical map of the country between Albany, Oswego, Fort Frontenac, and Les Trois Rivieres, exhibiting all the grants made by the French governors on Lake Champlain and between that Lake and Montreal. Drawn from authentic surveys by Thomas Jefferys, Geographer to His Majesty. London, 1775. Title in one long line along the top outside the border line. Subsidiary title of a two sheet map: The Provinces of New York and New Jersey ... and the Governments of Trois Rivieres and Montreal. Drawn by Capt. Holland. Engraved by Thomas Jefferys, Geographer to His Majesty. [London] Printed for Robt. Sayer in Fleet Street and T. Jefferys in the Strand [1775]. Phillips Atlases 1196, map no. 33
Lake Champlain. 8 Holland, Samuel, 1728-1801. A chorographical map of the country between Albany, Oswego, Fort Frontenac, and Les Trois Rivieres, exhibiting all the grants made by the French governors on Lake Champlain and between that Lake and Montreal. Drawn from authentic surveys by Thomas Jefferys, Geographer to His Majesty. London, 1775. Title in one long line along the top outside the border line. Subsidiary title of a two sheet map: The Provinces of New York and New Jersey ... and the Governments of Trois Rivieres and Montreal. Drawn by Capt. Holland. Engraved by Thomas Jefferys, Geographer to His Majesty. [London] Printed for Robt. Sayer in Fleet Street and T. Jefferys in the Strand [1775]. Phillips Atlases 1196, map no. 33
Newfoundland fisheries, an act passed by George III encouraging the fisheries adjacent to Newfoundland
Newfoundland fisheries, an act passed by George III encouraging the fisheries adjacent to Newfoundland
Great Lakes. 1787-1788 Bonne, Rigobert, 1727-1794 Partie Occidentale du Canada contenant les cinq Grands Lacs, avec les pays circonvoisins, par M. Bonne, Ingenieur-Hydrographie de la Marin. [Paris? 1787-1788] Coloured in outline. From: Atlas Encyclopedique. "Liv XV, XVI,et XVII" "No. 45" Phillips Maps no. 45
Great Lakes. 1787-1788 Bonne, Rigobert, 1727-1794 Partie Occidentale du Canada contenant les cinq Grands Lacs, avec les pays circonvoisins, par M. Bonne, Ingenieur-Hydrographie de la Marin. [Paris? 1787-1788] Coloured in outline. From: Atlas Encyclopedique. "Liv XV, XVI,et XVII" "No. 45" Phillips Maps no. 45
Act re: Quebec, being the Act passed by George III in 1790 to revise and improve the government of Quebec, printed in 1787 in English and French
Act re: Quebec, being the Act passed by George III in 1790 to revise and improve the government of Quebec, printed in 1787 in English and French
Finlay, Hugh. Autographed letter signed, addressed to James McGill, Quebec, regarding: road construction
Finlay, Hugh. Autographed letter signed, addressed to James McGill, Quebec, regarding: road construction
Proclamation regarding the separation of the country into two provinces of Lower and Upper Canada and into counties, cities and towns and the issuing of writs for the first provincial parliament of Lower Canada
Proclamation regarding the separation of the country into two provinces of Lower and Upper Canada and into counties, cities and towns and the issuing of writs for the first provincial parliament of Lower Canada
Acts re: Quebec, including the Quebec Act of 1774, and the Quebec Revenue Act of 1774, printed in English and French in 1797
Acts re: Quebec, including the Quebec Act of 1774, and the Quebec Revenue Act of 1774, printed in English and French in 1797
Proclamation of 1763 establishing the government of Quebec, capitulation and extracts of treaties in English and French
Proclamation of 1763 establishing the government of Quebec, capitulation and extracts of treaties in English and French
Canada. 18 Cary, John, ca. 1754-1835. A new map of Upper & Lower Canada ... London, J. Cary, 1807. Phillips Atlases, 736, no 54
Canada. 18 Cary, John, ca. 1754-1835. A new map of Upper & Lower Canada ... London, J. Cary, 1807. Phillips Atlases, 736, no 54
Northwest Coast of North America and Russia, Northeastern. De la Rochette, L.S. Chart of the N.W. Coast of America and the N.E. coast of Asia, explored in the years 1778 and 1779. Prepared by Lieut. Henry Roberts, under the immediate inspection of Capt. Cook. London: published by Wm Faden, Geographer to the King, Charing Cross, July 24, 1784. 2nd ed. published January 1, 1794. [Advertisement below title:] The interesting discoveries made by British and American ships, since the first publication of this chart in 1784, together with the hydrographical materials lately procured from St. Petersburg and other places, have enabled Mr. De la Rochette to lay down the numerous improvements which appear in the present edition. Charing Cross, January 1, 1808. W. Faden
Northwest Coast of North America and Russia, Northeastern. De la Rochette, L.S. Chart of the N.W. Coast of America and the N.E. coast of Asia, explored in the years 1778 and 1779. Prepared by Lieut. Henry Roberts, under the immediate inspection of Capt. Cook. London: published by Wm Faden, Geographer to the King, Charing Cross, July 24, 1784. 2nd ed. published January 1, 1794. [Advertisement below title:] The interesting discoveries made by British and American ships, since the first publication of this chart in 1784, together with the hydrographical materials lately procured from St. Petersburg and other places, have enabled Mr. De la Rochette to lay down the numerous improvements which appear in the present edition. Charing Cross, January 1, 1808. W. Faden
Quebec. 21 Holland, Samuel, 1728-1801. A new map of the Province of Lower Canada, describing all the seigneuries, townships, grants of land, etc. to which is added a plan of the rivers Scoudiac and Magaguadavic, surveyed in 1796, 1797 & 1798 by order of the Commissioners appointed to ascertain the true River St. Croix intended by the Treaty of Peace between His Britannic Majesty and the United States of America. London, William Faden, April 12, 1813. Not in Phillips. This is another issue, without any changes except the date imprint of a map first published August 12, 1802
Quebec. 21 Holland, Samuel, 1728-1801. A new map of the Province of Lower Canada, describing all the seigneuries, townships, grants of land, etc. to which is added a plan of the rivers Scoudiac and Magaguadavic, surveyed in 1796, 1797 & 1798 by order of the Commissioners appointed to ascertain the true River St. Croix intended by the Treaty of Peace between His Britannic Majesty and the United States of America. London, William Faden, April 12, 1813. Not in Phillips. This is another issue, without any changes except the date imprint of a map first published August 12, 1802
Ontario. 9(a) and 9(b) Chewitt, William A map of the located districts in the Province of Upper Canada, describing all the new settlements, townships, &c. with the adjacent frontiers, copied and corrected ... compiled from the survey of William Chewitt senior surveyor & draughtsman ... London, William Faden, January 1st, 1813. Phillips, Maps, p. 194
Ontario. 9(a) and 9(b) Chewitt, William A map of the located districts in the Province of Upper Canada, describing all the new settlements, townships, &c. with the adjacent frontiers, copied and corrected ... compiled from the survey of William Chewitt senior surveyor & draughtsman ... London, William Faden, January 1st, 1813. Phillips, Maps, p. 194
McTavish, McGillivrays and Company, a handwritten copy of the partnership agreement established in 1814, 32 pages
McTavish, McGillivrays and Company, a handwritten copy of the partnership agreement established in 1814, 32 pages
Stone, Joel. Holograph public notice signed by Stone, Leeds, announcing marriage of Peter Laver and Fanny Friekey
Stone, Joel. Holograph public notice signed by Stone, Leeds, announcing marriage of Peter Laver and Fanny Friekey
Canada Company minutes between H.M. Secretary of State and the proposed Canada Company
Canada Company minutes between H.M. Secretary of State and the proposed Canada Company
British Columbia. 17 Partie de la Nouvelle Hanovre. Bruxelles. Coloured. Phillips Atlases, 749. Vandermalen, P.M.G. Amer. Sep. No. 51
British Columbia. 17 Partie de la Nouvelle Hanovre. Bruxelles. Coloured. Phillips Atlases, 749. Vandermalen, P.M.G. Amer. Sep. No. 51
Maritimes. 6 Nouvelle Ecosse et Nouveau Brunswick. Bruxelles, 1827. Phillips Atlases, 749. Vandermaelen, P.M.G. Amer. Sept. No. 44
Maritimes. 6 Nouvelle Ecosse et Nouveau Brunswick. Bruxelles, 1827. Phillips Atlases, 749. Vandermaelen, P.M.G. Amer. Sept. No. 44