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Geale-Rogers family fonds
82-022 · Fonds · 1834-1966

This fonds consists of the personal and business records of the Geale, Hamilton, Peck, Barker and Rogers families. There are letters relating to World War I written by Beresford and Robert Hamilton and Heber and Harry Rogers; letters, diaries, journals of Richard Birdsall Rogers (superintending engineer of the Peterborough Lift Lock); the records of Hon. Robert Hamilton, a factor at the Hudson's Bay Company stationed at Fort Edmonton. The fonds also contains stereographs, approximately 1000 photographs, and a C.E. Goad fire insurance plan for the city of Peterborough, 1882. Items of interest include a group of photographs of the Trent Valley area and the building of the canal; Rogers family pictures of the Stoney Lake area and the Juniper Island Regatta; photos of early aircraft and the Curtiss Aviation School; photos of hydraulic lift lock at Peterborough; and one letter from Catharine Parr Traill to Robert Miles Hamilton.

This collection of family papers, correspondence, journals, photographs, newspaper clippings and published works spans the years 1834 to 1966 and measures approximately 3 1/2 linear metres. The papers were deposited in Trent University Archives through the courtesy of members of the Geale and Rogers families in 1983.

The papers are divided into two series:

Series A, the Geale family papers, consists of records pertaining to the descendants of the Hon. Robert Hamilton, a factor of the Hudson's Bay Company stationed at Fort Edmonton in northern Manitoba. Robert Hamilton married Annie Seabourne. One of their sons was Robert Miles Hamilton (1864-1939). He married Alice May Barker and resided at "Auburn" in Peterborough, Ontario. Their children were Miles Beresford Hamilton, Robert Barker Hamilton, (Alice) Seabourne Hamilton, and S.R. Hamilton (son). Alice Seabourne Hamilton married Charles Norman Geale. Papers of the Barker family (the Hon. Samuel Barker was Mrs. Robert Miles Hamilton's father) are included in this series as are the papers of the Peck family. Edward Armour Peck was the natural son of Arthur Henry Peck and the adoptive father of Charles Norman Geale. He married Kitty Revell. Both Miles Beresford Hamilton and Robert Barker Hamilton served overseas in the First World War and their correspondence is included in this series.

Series B of this collection consists of the Rogers Papers. Richard Birdsall Rogers was born at Ashburnham in 1857. He lived there until 1916 and then moved to "Beechwood Farm" in Douro Township. He was a land surveyor and was appointed superintendent engineer of the Trent Valley Canal in 1884. Richard married Clara Mina Calcutt of Peterborough in 1881. They had seven children. One daughter, Leah, married Herbert Geale, brother of Charles Norman Geale. Two sons, Heber and Harry served overseas in World War I. Their correspondence is included. R.B. Rogers designed and supervised the building of the hydraulic lift locks at Peterborough and Kirkfield. These papers included several files of plans and specifications for the locks, correspondence and documents accrued during the scandal preceding Rogers' resignation in 1906, the Holgate Report which condemned Rogers and the Keefer investigation which completely vindicated his work as Chief Engineer. We have created a major on-line exhibit focusing on the life and times of Richard Rogers and the Peterborough Lift Lock:

Geale-Rogers family
82-020 · Collection · 1890-1972

This fonds consists of Fire insurance plans (mostly by Goad) for all of British Columbia, some from Alberta, Quebec, Ontario, Newfoundland and Yukon.

Charles E. Goad Company - Underwriters' Survey Bureau
Cameron family fonds
78-010 · Fonds · 1852-1931

The fonds consists of personal and business correspondence and papers for several members of the Cameron family who lived in Peterborough, Upper Canada. It includes correspondence between Charles Cameron and his wife Sophia (Barron) Cameron, 1852-1881; business correspondence, invoices, receipts, and accounts for McKeller and Cameron Dry Goods Merchants, 1861-1870; Charles Cameron business correspondence, invoices, receipts and cancelled cheques from his years as an insurance agent, 1871-1903; Alfred Cameron personal and business correspondence, 1886-1908; Alfred Cameron survey reports for various townships, towns and villages in Peterborough County, the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham, Simcoe County, Nippissing District, and Cochrane District, 1894-1931; Alfred Cameron insurance policies; and a Chas. E. Goad fire insurance plan of the town of Peterborough and the village of Ashburnham, 1882, revised 1889.

Cameron family
76-037 · Item · 1911

This item is a Chas. E. Goad Company fire insurance plan of the City of Peterborough, Ontario revised in 1911 from a plan of 1904, surveyed December 1893. It includes a key plan (scale 500':01"), a key to symbols, an index, and special diagrams of major buildings such as factories and schools.

Charles E. Goad Company - Underwriters' Survey Bureau
76-035 · Item · 1910

This item is a Chas. E. Goad Company fire insurance plan of the village of Woodville, Ontario as at July 1910. It includes a key plan (scale 500':01"), and a key to symbols.

Charles E. Goad Company - Underwriters' Survey Bureau
76-034 · Item · 1890

This item is a Charles E. Goad fire insurance plan of the village of Warkworth, Ontario as at June, 1890. It includes a key plan (scale 550':01"), and a key to symbols.

Charles E. Goad Company - Underwriters' Survey Bureau
76-033 · Item · 1898

This item is a Charles E. Goad fire insurance plan of the village of Victoria Road, Ontario as at August 1898. It includes a key plan (scale 500':01") and a key to symbols.

Charles E. Goad Company - Underwriters' Survey Bureau
76-032 · Item · 1949

This item is an Underwriters Survey Bureau fire insurance plan of the town of Trenton, Ontario as at March, 1949. It includes a key plan (scale 500':01"), a key to symbols, and an index.

Charles E. Goad Company - Underwriters' Survey Bureau
76-031 · Item · 1911

This item is a Chas. E. Goad Company fire insurance plan of the town of Stirling, Ontario as at August 1911. It includes a key plan (scale 500':01") and a key key to symbols.

Charles E. Goad Company - Underwriters' Survey Bureau
76-030 · Item · 1904

This item is a Charles E. Goad fire insurance plan of the village of Pontypool, Ontario as at April 1904. The plan includes a key to symbols.

Charles E. Goad Company - Underwriters' Survey Bureau
76-029 · Item · 1891

This item is a C.E. Goad fire insurance plan of the village of Pickering, Ontario as at December 1891. It includes a key plan (scale (500':01") and a key to symbols.

Charles E. Goad Company - Underwriters' Survey Bureau
76-028 · Item · 1910

This item is a C.E. Goad fire insurance plan of the village of Oakwood as at June 1910. It includes a key plan (scale 500':01") and a key to symbols.

Charles E. Goad Company - Underwriters' Survey Bureau
76-027 · Item · 1900

This item is a Charles E. Goad fire insurance plan of the village of Norwood, Ontario as at June, 1900. It includes a key plan (scale 500':01") and a key to symbols.

Charles E. Goad Company - Underwriters' Survey Bureau
76-026 · Item · 1911

This item is a C.E. Goad insurance plan of the greater region of central Lakefield including the village and both sides of the Otonabee River, as at Sepember 1911. It includes a key plan (scale 500':01") and a key to symbols.

Charles E. Goad Company - Underwriters' Survey Bureau
76-024 · Item · 1910

This item is a Charles E. Goad fire insurance plan of the village of Coboconk as at July 1910. It includes a key plan (scale 500':01") and a key to symbols.

Charles E. Goad Company - Underwriters' Survey Bureau
76-022 · Item · 1926

This item is a fire insurance plan of the Town of Campbellford, Ontario as at July 1926. It includes a key plan (scale 500':01") and a key to symbols.

Charles E. Goad Company - Underwriters' Survey Bureau
76-021 · Item · 1924

This item is a C.E. Goad plan of the Town of Bowmanville, Ontario as at June, 1911, revised and reprinted November 1924 by the Underwriters' Survey Bureau. It includes key plan (scale 550':01") and a key to symbols.

Charles E. Goad Company - Underwriters' Survey Bureau
76-019 · Item · 1957

Canadian Underwriters' Association fire insurance plan of the Town of Bracebridge, Ontario, as of June 1957. It includes a key plan (scale 1200':01") a standard key to symbols, and an index.

Charles E. Goad Company - Underwriters' Survey Bureau
76-018 · Item · 1957

This item is a fire insurance plan for the City of Belleville, February, 1957. It includes a standard key to symbols, special diagrams of school and industrial installations, and a key plan (scale 100':01").

Charles E. Goad Company - Underwriters' Survey Bureau